Jiří Kolář, Ostrava 2008, from: Die Heizer – Tschechische Kunst und Widerstand 1950 bis 1989 // 2007-08

Rudolf Valenta, Prague 2007, from: Die Heizer – Tschechische Kunst und Widerstand 1950 bis 1989 // 2007-08

Jiří Kovanda, Prague 2007, from: Die Heizer – Tschechische Kunst und Widerstand 1950 bis 1989 // 2007-08

Věra Jirousová, Prague 2008, from: Die Heizer – Tschechische Kunst und Widerstand 1950 bis 1989 // 2007-08

Jaroslav Hutka, Prague 2008, from: Die Heizer – Tschechische Kunst und Widerstand 1950 bis 1989 // 2007-08
The Stokers - Czech Art and Resistance 1950-1989
2007-08. Multimedia installation with slide show, posters and newspapers
The works are reconstructions of real stories of artists who are now recognized, but in Communist times were following modern traces, avantgarde, concrete art, and as intellectuals chose for surviving to work in jobs in which they would use their hands and keep their minds free. They were the subversive voices of their time. Cora Piantoni asked them to play themselves today, reconstructing the roles of their youth time in stage-based photography, investigating the link between artistic practices and labor, between personal desires and the structures of dictatorship based on mass standardization and unification.

Wir waren das Kino // 2010
Wir waren das Kino / We were cinema
2010, video-projection, sound, 7:40 min
A lot has been reported about the Fall of the Berlin Wall. The main focus of this film is the period before, affected by discontent with the outdated political system, hope and a sense of impending change.
Former theatre directors, film projectionists, cashiers, ushers and caretakers who used to work in cinemas in Dresden in the period before 1989 talk about their experiences during that time.
Everyday life in the cinema was different from that in West Germany. The cinemas were often economically unprofitable, employees however were frequently cinema enthusiasts. Those who had political problems elsewhere often found employment in the cinema, in less qualified positions though as stokers or ushers.
The time before 1989 from the viewpoint of the cinema staff, their view on the events, the social and political changes that were happening outside the cinema doors. The position of those sitting and discussing in the foyer, in the gap between fiction on the screen and reality beyond the cinema doors.
Topics of conversation besides the films were the obsolete political system and the utopia of changing the system from within. How political events manifest themselves in everyday life, how small changes and incidences announced the Wende.
Cora Piantoni
Exhibitions (selected)
2010 A Thousand Endless Tales - Dancing the Line of Flight (Story Telling), White Space, Zürich / Bless my homeland forever. I, too, will try to forget..., Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien / Werk- und Atelierstipendien der Stadt Zürich 2010, Helmhaus, Zürich / Galerie Royal, München / Vor Ort, Kwadrat, Berlin 2009 Event Horizon, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel / Swiss Art Awards 2009, Messezentrum, Basel / Zeichen und Wunder, Entrance Gallery, Prag / Palacze. The Stokers, Photomonth, Krypta u Pijarow, Krakau / Radio Echo, Cirkulationscentralen, Malmö 2008 Aushang, Les Complices *, Zürich / Turning Point, Alpineum Produzentengalerie, Luzern / Prototypen, Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Berlin / Position Fotografie, Galerie der Künstler, München 2007 In Gesellschaft von Bäumen, Galerie Royal, München / Disappearance of Now and Then, Hinterconti, Hamburg / BLOCK, Circuit, Lausanne & Les Complices*, Zürich & Substitut, Berlin / Niveaualarm, Kunstraum Innsbruck / Burggrafschaft, Klenová 2006 Regionale 7, Kunsthalle, Basel & Kunstverein, Feiburg / Zürich 4 Paris18, Zeughaus, Zürich / The worst photos we've ever taken, f.a.i.t., Krakau 2005 Invasionswetterlage, Kunsthof, Zürich / Edge Conditions, Capri, Berlin / Backflash, f.a.i.t., Krakau 2004 Bergung, Schalter, Basel / Höhenunterschied 27cm, Hauptbahnhof, München / Die ersten Jahre der Professionalität 23, Galerie der Künstler, München
Awards / Scholarships
2009 HWP-Stipendium des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Forschung und Kunst / 2008 Artist in Residence im 7.Stock, Dresden / 2007 Arbeitsstipendium des Bezirks Oberbayern in Klenová/CZ / 2004 Bayerischer Staatsförderpreis für Fotografie