A Thousand Endless Tales – Dancing the Line of Flight
(Story Telling)
jana štěpánová & gabriela kontra

Jana Štěpánová: Faithful We Stay - FamilyMap // 2004-today

Jana Štěpánová: Faithful We Stay - FamilyMap // 2004-today

Jana Štěpánová: Faithful We Stay - FamilyMap // 2004-today
FamilyMap / Faithful We Stay // 2004-today
FamilyMap / Faithful We Stay is an ongoing research project initiated in 2004 by Jana Štěpánová on a trip to the United States, and developed into a collaborative dialog with Gabriela Kontra. In a contemporary Western context they photograph and collect the stories of ordinary people in various forms of living together, outside the traditional understanding of family. Following Foucault in his critique of institutions, the concept of the family needs to be renegotiated in a broad social context, being too restrictive to account for the reality of the lives of many people. The institution has dispersed into a great variety of forms of living together, based on love, responsibility, caring, trust, pleasure, sharing, mutuality, created through the living imagination and practice of people. The artists contribute to a critical reassessment, within contemporary Western society, of the variety of forms of living together, by giving them a visibility that can inspire a debate on forms of living that can fulfill the varied demands and social needs of people in different life situations, and to a continuous and dynamic redefinition of the concept of family.

Gabriela Kontra: FamilyMap // 2004-today

Gabriela Kontra: FamilyMap // 2004-today

Gabriela Kontra: FamilyMap // 2004-today
Jana Štěpánová & Gabriela Kontra
live and work in Prague, Czech Republic.
Jana Štěpánová works conceptually with photography, combining photographs with other visual media. Her topics are social stereotypes, hetero- and homonormative constructions of gender identities, sexuality as a portrait of power, desire and limits in society. She studied photography and communication design in Ústí nad Labem, Berlin and Opava. She has had numerous solo exhibitions and group shows in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Gabriela Kontra has been working as a freelance photographer since 1996. She studied photography in Prague, has participated in numerous group shows and has had several solo exhibitions.